Haag & Sons Seafood
Recipe of the week:
This week we are preparing you with a special treat. Come in today for our fresh catch of the week and grab our recipe on how to make crab stuffed red snapper paired with sautéed asparagus. All ingredients available at our store!
Crab Stuffed Snapper

2 Pounds of Red Snapper Filet (Bone Out)
1 Pound Backfin Crabmeat (Lump/Jumbo Optional)
1 Pack Asparagus (Medium in size)
1 Can Heavy Crème
1 Pack Spring Onion
1 Pack Scallions
1 Can Olive Oil
1.) Take your spring onions and scallions and chop into fine pieces which can then be put inside the refrigerator until needed.
2.) In a medium sauce pan mix 1 cup olive oil and 1/3 cup heavy crème and turn the burner onto medium heat (once consistency has gotten to a nice mix take your spring onions and scallions from the fridge and mix into the pan).
3.) Allow the sauce to come to a simmer and stir occasionally for 10 minutes
4.) Take your snapper filet from the fridge and lay each filet into the sauce pan cooking for 4 minutes on each side or until meat reaches an internal temperate of 145 degrees.
5.) In another pan add olive oil to form a base and then heat crabmeat.
6.) Take a cast iron pan and heat up for your asparagus
7.) Add black peppercorn into the pan and then layer with asparagus seasoning as you see appropriate (Blacken for roughly 8 minutes).
8.) Enjoy!
If you enjoyed this recipe be sure to come into the store next week for our famous tuna poke bowl recipe!