Macro-Marketing Does NOT Cost Too Much

Matthew Knortz
3 min readJun 24, 2021


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Macro-Marketing has been a topic of discussion for many marketers each with there differing opinions surrounding the topic. Most argue that macro-marketing causes a poor use of resources and leads to an unfair distribution of income. Macro-Marketing tends to look at the bigger picture highlighting the whole economy as opposed to micro-marketing which is more individualized.

The Critical Theories of Macro-Marketing

Some critics believe that marketing will lead to monopolies and monopolistic competition creating higher prices, restricted output and reduction in income and employment. This couldn’t be further from the truth since almost every consumer has a choice in what they purchase with preferences that will trump marketing. Most people will evaluate whether they need something based on the price, quality and ultimately what they are used to buying.

Another critique discussed by some opposed to macro-marketing is that advertisements are too expensive and not worth the cost. Some may even go as far to say that advertisements are downright ineffective and won’t lead to an increase in your sales. However, when effectively used they are a great way of informing a very large amount of people about your product and can definitely be worth the cost. Not only can advertisements help you reach your audience increasing sales, they can also help to reduce the cost your consumers pay through economies of scale.

Critics of macro-marketing have also brought up the idea that consumers are not puppets. This comes from the idea that advertisements and marketing teams can manipulate you into buying a product. However, consumers definitely base there purchases off of past experiences and if you’ve had a bad experience with a product or company, no amount of marketing will lead you back into there stores again.

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Another argument from critics of macro-marketing is that advertising elevates the wrong values. Some critics argue that companies use emotional and appealing content in there advertisements to promote something not healthy or unethical. On the contrary, people have become accustomed to certain products and will purchase them regardless of the marketing done for them. Companies oftentimes will use your emotions and preferences against you to enhance your want for a product or service. The advertisements they use don’t create the appeal but simply reinforce a preference you already have. A great example is the video below which uses the friendship between a puppy and a horse to promote the sale of an alcoholic beverage.

The Critical Response For Why Macro-Marketing Is Effective

Macro-Marketing is important in todays marketplace since it allows you to market to a large group of people and let them decide on the product being promoted. Most people already have a set preference when it comes to purchasing a good or service and the advertisements they view only help them to decide on something they already want. The benefits of macro-marketing far exceed the costs and when used correctly it can be very effective for your company!

What are your thoughts on macro-marketing… do you agree that it doesn’t cost too much or do you have a different opinion on this topic?

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!



Matthew Knortz
Matthew Knortz

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